The Impact of Values and Belief Systems on Building High Self-esteem.
The Tools to Always be in Charge and Continuously Grow.
Welcome to another great week and the end of January, it’s been an important month to lay a good foundation for the whole year and I hope you have been following through with the things I’ve been sharing with you, not just by reading but by acting on and implementing the ideas. These are deliberate ideas meant to help you put your year into a clear context so your efforts are calculated towards a specific result for the year.
Before we get into the series addressing the key factor to build high self-esteem for the whole of February and probably beyond, I want you to go through the whole issues of the newsletter for January and internalize the things I’ve discussed with you – it is important that you understand the impact of self-esteem and how it affects every aspect of your life through your values and belief systems.
I want this particular issue for January to be the conclusion to the foundation we’ve been laying this month because it demonstrates how deeply rooted the level of your self-esteem is to all the activities that go on in your life and as we move to the series on how to build high self-esteem, you need this understanding to know that what you’re doing is a needed support system if you want to achieve your dreams and fulfil your potential in life.
What are Values and Belief Systems?
V & BS are a set of personal or none personal codes that guide your action or inaction in any aspect of life – they’re the mental microchips without which you cannot be an active person. Without V & BS you will simply just be an inactive person, even the people that are accused of acting without principles and values are acting on the principles and values of not having a defined principle for themselves and responding to every action based on peculiarities and trend which is a form of belief system.
In other words, values and belief systems are the metrics by which you’ll measure the validity of your actions and these metrics can either be the ones you formulate for yourself or the ones other people formulated for you.
This is the first important note from this week’s issue, values and belief systems are either of your conscious making, handed to you by others or you unconsciously internalize them. Whatever sides of the triad you belong to, your self-esteem will be either impacted positively or negatively by whatever values and belief systems you pick up. But for someone who is looking to build high self-esteem, one of the major factors to build high self-esteem is the practice of conscious living which means that you have to be the ones formulating your V & BS if you want them to have a specific and desirable impact in your life.
Actions are Inspired by Values and Belief Systems.
The next action you’ll take as a response to any particular event will always be inspired by the kind of V & BS you’ve internalized over time. Actions don’t happen in a vacuum, they’re always inspired by something and this is an important tool to build high self-esteem when properly understood.
You can build V & BS that will always inspire you to take actions that reinforce the level of your self-esteem or otherwise.
Every event that happens to you would be filtered through your V & BS before any action is taken. The actions taken through the values and belief system centre would result in either low self-esteem or high self-esteem.
The process of building the right V & BS is also a process of building high self-esteem because the outcomes of your V & BS are either actions that strengthen your self-esteem or weaken it – and apart from your V & BS being an important tool to reinforce the level of your self-esteem, it’s also an important tool to live a good life.
Competence and Worthiness to be Yourself.
The kind of value and belief system that guides you will determine how competent and worthy you feel as a person which are the two core pillars that determine your self-esteem levels.
Your V & BS will inspire action and the actions over time will translate into a feeling of competence and worthiness or the lack of it – this means that the actions produced from the kind of V & BS that you internalize will either make you feel that you have what it takes to face life challenges, that you’re worthy of the good things of life or that you’re unworthy of the good things of life and that you don’t have the competence to face life and its challenges.
Other than inspiring the response to each event in your life, your V & BS makes you feel competent and worthy or lacks self-efficacy and self-respect.
For example, talking down on yourself and allowing others to do the same comes from the place of the kind of values and belief systems that you carry.
Low Self-esteem and Imitation.
The process of building good V & BS will reinforce and lead to high self-esteem while the presence of high self-esteem is one of the most important factors to ensure that you build the right V & BS – this is an interwoven system that reinforces each other. What this means is that the presence of low self-esteem will most likely lead you to imitation when you attempt to build values and belief system for yourself, the strong factor of familiarity and unconditional acceptance by all people that is always present with low self-esteem will ensure that you do things that you believe is the most popular with other people and not necessarily things that are profitable to building yourself and your dreams in life.
You cannot build high self-esteem without laying down standards of values and belief systems that are profitable to your growth, and you need high self-esteem to build the self-respect and competence to always review your value and belief systems to continually fit your purpose and growth in life.
This is an impossible task with low self-esteem because the highest self-care available with low self-esteem would always be an imitation of something else.
Finally, this week, I want you to understand that the absence of specific values and belief systems tailored to what you want in life will make you keep producing actions that are not tailored to anything specific in your life and this will hinder your purposeful growth this year and beyond.
The right values and belief systems are the important foundation needed to build high self-esteem while high self-esteem is an important tool needed to keep reviewing and tailoring your values and belief system to what you need to continually grow in life.
In the next issue, I’ll write to you about an important factor to build high self-esteem and also a factor that informs you of the kind of belief system you should build to support yourself.
It’s always an amazing feeling to write to you every week. Get ready for an amazing series.
Talk to you soon, again.